Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jobs Not High On Demand 2 Cor.12-22-26

 This week I have been thinking about  the jobs no one wants to do. Here are a few:

* Being a waitress
* Being a janitor
*Waste Management or  other words known as garbageman
*Change dirty diapers
*Fast Food Employee
*Walmart Greeter
* Retail

I'm sure the list could go on but lets be honest these jobs are not always high on demand. Yet, where would we be without these roles. These jobs don't have glamor written on them but they are important.  It really takes a servants heart to be in these positions if you ask me! As a waitress for only a month I'll be honest there are times I'm a little grossed out handling peoples dirty dishes especially when it comes to straws that have been in their mouths.

However, it has really challenged me about my servants heart! I would of never imagined myself waiting tables. This really isn't my dream job but its my role God gave me for now! Although, the interesting thought I had as I was writing this is for the past few weeks I have been saying this isn't my passion or near any thing that excites me. However, I think maybe my heart needs to flip this attitude around.

It may not be the passion the drives me in my gifts but its a chance to show passion in a different way by loving on people. This also  drives me to a passage I read with my small group a last week 2 Cor.12.

vs 22-26

23and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, 24which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, 25that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

 I think this passage is very fitting because when you look back at the list above I think at times we do see these jobs as low jobs in our world. However,without these roles such as your garbageman who picks up trash where do you think we would be. Or the waitress who serves your food while making sure you have a clean place to sit so your dining experience may be good.  The faithful parents or care takes who change those mean diapers!  This list could go on but  my point is maybe some of us need to remember whatever task God handed us its because He trust we would do it well!
It  may not be our plan but we have a choice to remember the parts we have are important!

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