Saturday, November 21, 2015


The Lord never over looks the desires of our hearts. As I reflect on my list I can see where the Lord has honored one of them. One of my dreams is to be a mother one day. Although I have no biological children I have many.  They are my precious children that I teach everyday at my preschool.  Each of them teach me something every day.
I count that a joy.  Yes, I am their teacher but  the task is much more then teaching them. It's an element of love. This love sometimes means:

* Rocking a child to sleep when sometimes you just want to rest
*  Offering them your last chicken nugget even though you may have wanted it
* Crying with them because you know that their feelings are so real
* Wiping their noses
* Laughing with them
* Allowing them to be the great story teller

 These needs are so basic but  these little things are so  important. I gladly do them because this is what I would want even for my own child. I'm thankful God would entrust me with the task.  I count it a great joy!  Therefore I ask you, How has God honored your desires?

Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart

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