Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Eternal Inhaler

 God is the eternal inhaler. We can't breath without Him and when we loose our breath from our anxiety and fears  He reaches out to us! This is a thought that has came to my mind especially one who could probably get a blue ribbon for worrying!

 Yet, my Jesus is so patient with me!  I make no jokes about anxiety. I have never struggled to where its been super strong but I can tell you it can eat your mind alive. It's one of the reasons I went to Celebrate Recovery. In Celebrate Recovery I found a forever family. I learned that God really desires us to have community to share the good along with the crazy! Going to Celebrate Recovery was peace to my mind that I am completely normal because we all have junk.

It was hope that there were people who understood what the church needed to be! I think of my friend Ciara, Durenda, Libby & Nona. These women enveloped me! It was a safety net for me. I know I am never unsafe that I am safe with Jesus but I believe He does give us a tangible way of knowing if that makes sense.

 I  count CR as one of my saviors because it only empowered me more in what God had been sowing in me as a college student where my campus minister Dean & Magan were examples in leadership that we can be freely honest with God. It's not that we don't want to share but our shame blocks us. We imagine what others will do if they know ______________.  You can name it I am sure! For me I think of how awkward dynamically I am in some of my relationships.

Yet here in CR I was reminded to be the best me. We can't control others but we can choose how we will respond. I am now a fan  of CR because of how it changed me!  I have even been able to love on some of our children Celebration Place and even though I am going to Louisville for a year CR is a forever part of me! Therefore if one is near you I challenge you to take the guts to go!  

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