Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Lot of Grace Jesus & Coffee

 " Yes, it is true this girl runs on a whole lot of Jesus, Grace & Coffee..." Perhaps not so much the need for coffee however, I do love a good cup I must not lie! There are days that I don't always have the most excitement but what the Lord has continued to teach me that I can't be fueled my emotions. This one isn't easy because there many times as much as I would love to say it; I don't always feel it but my Jesus has pushed me through!
Sometimes to be straight up honest with you its Jesus pushing me through a daily task of dishes, waking up early, taking out trash etc.  Friends,  choosing joy is a constant push because our flesh is so weak! This includes having a Jesus heart when our flesh really views differently! Or what happens when our fears cave in....

Today I hear this song called called Today by Blanca. Take a listen!

This has been huge for me to remember to cease the moment and find something good! To find grace for myself as well grace for others! What is today that you need to let your feelings go so that you can press into what Jesus?

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