Saturday, November 25, 2017

Business Is A Theif

 The clock is ticking....
The calendar is highlighted in about five billion colors...
I thought I swept the room but there is......
I should be sleeping but wait just one more thing....

 Does any of this sound familiar? It does to me! This girl especially who struggles to turn her mind off with the list of things to get done. What would it look like if we just lived in the moment or if we were okay to just let things rest for the day?

I by no means am saying be lazy but life can get so full that we can't even notice the simple things! We only get one life that means one body.

Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves. 1 Cor. 6:19

I know there are a thousand ways to look at this verse but when we don't allow our bodies to rest then were really allowing damage to come because we have watered ourselves down thin. Thatsone can be hard because if your like you me you may imagine what others think for example.  One of my fears with that can be that others will think I am lazy or I just don't care.

Yet, over the years still learning it's much better to slow down to enjoy life because when you slow down you allow clarity. Clarity allows you to know where you can give best. So do take time today to.....

Enjoy the aroma of coffee
The last bite of cheescake
Run around singing at the top of your lungs because you can

As my grandpa has told me many times, "Work was here before you got here and will be here after." May we remember simple joys!

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