Saturday, November 25, 2017

Business Is A Theif

 The clock is ticking....
The calendar is highlighted in about five billion colors...
I thought I swept the room but there is......
I should be sleeping but wait just one more thing....

 Does any of this sound familiar? It does to me! This girl especially who struggles to turn her mind off with the list of things to get done. What would it look like if we just lived in the moment or if we were okay to just let things rest for the day?

I by no means am saying be lazy but life can get so full that we can't even notice the simple things! We only get one life that means one body.

Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves. 1 Cor. 6:19

I know there are a thousand ways to look at this verse but when we don't allow our bodies to rest then were really allowing damage to come because we have watered ourselves down thin. Thatsone can be hard because if your like you me you may imagine what others think for example.  One of my fears with that can be that others will think I am lazy or I just don't care.

Yet, over the years still learning it's much better to slow down to enjoy life because when you slow down you allow clarity. Clarity allows you to know where you can give best. So do take time today to.....

Enjoy the aroma of coffee
The last bite of cheescake
Run around singing at the top of your lungs because you can

As my grandpa has told me many times, "Work was here before you got here and will be here after." May we remember simple joys!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Joseph Keepers & Mary Keepers

 Christmas is just right around the corner and never fails to sneak upon us!  There is always something new to discover in the story of Jesus coming but one thing that really popped out to me was the trust Mary & Joseph had to have with one another. Joseph had to take bold steps to take Mary as His wife still even though it may not have been his plan for her to be pregnant before their marriage. Mary had to have faith  to willingling serve God by being a carrier of Jesus as human to fulfill the Gospel.

 If I am very honest I think I would have to take a double take on these angels showing up saying to me that I was going be part of this crazy plan of His beloved son coming! On top of that Mary & Joseph are a reminder that relationships take work!  To me as a single person I want a Joseph Keeper that is so faithful to Jesus that He will take crazy wild steps! I want to be that Mary Keeper! I don't just want this in my relationship for marriage one day but in the one day now of my season no matter what God chooses to give!

23 Behold, the[e]virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.” 24 Then Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and he took Mary [to his home] as his wife, 25 but he kept her a virgin until she had given birth to a Son [her firstborn child]; and he named Him Jesus (The Lord is salvation) Matthew 1:18-25

46 And Mary said,
“My soul magnifies and exalts the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
“For He has looked [with loving care] on the humble state of His maidservant;
For behold, from now on all generations will count me blessed andhappy and favored by God!

Luke 1:46-48

Therefore, rather we're single or married can we dare to be Mary & Joseph Keepers! Hope this Christmas season fills you with joy & promise!

 Lets all be Joseph & Mary's to journey with Jesus !
Lets pray for Mary & Josephs to journey with us!

 Wow! How beautiful!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Lot of Grace Jesus & Coffee

 " Yes, it is true this girl runs on a whole lot of Jesus, Grace & Coffee..." Perhaps not so much the need for coffee however, I do love a good cup I must not lie! There are days that I don't always have the most excitement but what the Lord has continued to teach me that I can't be fueled my emotions. This one isn't easy because there many times as much as I would love to say it; I don't always feel it but my Jesus has pushed me through!
Sometimes to be straight up honest with you its Jesus pushing me through a daily task of dishes, waking up early, taking out trash etc.  Friends,  choosing joy is a constant push because our flesh is so weak! This includes having a Jesus heart when our flesh really views differently! Or what happens when our fears cave in....

Today I hear this song called called Today by Blanca. Take a listen!

This has been huge for me to remember to cease the moment and find something good! To find grace for myself as well grace for others! What is today that you need to let your feelings go so that you can press into what Jesus?

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Barren Women

 As a single woman I realize you might find the title of this piece odd but recently I have been thinking of my desires as a single. I know so often we refer to women barren are the ones who struggle to have. However, I think it can refer to women without husband or children if that makes sense. Today I stumbled on Isaiah 54 which I realize was referring to a woman who has been married before but I found myself to relate as well too. The first portion really captured me:

1.Sing with joy, you childless women who never gave birth to children.
Break into shouts of joy, you women who never had birth pains.
    “There will be more children of women who have been deserted
        than there are children of married women,” says the Lord.
Expand the space of your tent.
    Stretch out the curtains of your tent, and don’t hold back.
        Lengthen your tent ropes, and drive in the tent pegs.
You will spread out to the right and left.
    Your descendants will take over other nations,
        and they will resettle deserted cities.
Don’t be afraid, because you won’t be put to shame.
Don’t be discouraged, because you won’t be disgraced.
    You’ll forget the shame you’ve had since you were young.
    You won’t remember the disgrace of your husband’s death anymore.
            His name is the Lord of Armies.
        Your defender is the Holy One of Israel.
            He is called the God of the whole earth.

 God really spoke to me at my work place at the Corbin Preschool that though my desires of my own family haven't happened yet that He has given me more! This was a good for me to see it this way because like many I have had my wish list of, " This is what I want to do for my child  or my husband." Particularly, as I thought about the children God has given me now I thought," Why not put to practice now?"

One of things I really want my children to know is God. So, I have began  praying scripture over them. I need to treasure what I have now! Perhaps God will give me my own biological one day as well a husband but I have the opportunity now! Many times we say," One day"  This really put peace in my heart because my "One day" can start now!
So, what is you long for friend? Are your hearts desires before you and you have overlooked them? How can you invest in what is given?
I hope this gives you the same peace God gave me!

Friday, August 25, 2017

What's Your Gift?

 When I was in High School I imagined when I felt God laying missions on my heart that I might be over seas or full time in a church. However, God's view has been opposite! Of course who knows what God will do in the future! I look at the dots God has keep pointing me to seeing perhaps the Education field is more of my calling than I realize! I now serve as preschool monitor at the Corbin Preschool! This one has really surprised me because in college I graduated with Human Services. However, in recent reflection I have been praying asking the Lord to provide financially to go back to school to get a masters in education or whatever, it might look like to further in teaching with preschool!
 I think this has been a light bulb for me because I have kept trying doors but really my door has been in front of me all along to work with children!  I think as I share with you how often we get to a place where we're like,"Okay, God can you just paint a big picture of where you want me as well my purpose?" Yet, its been very clear even more at 28 this is what I really love doing! Especially when I think about where I love to serve even with my church!
I really enjoy working in areas such as Celebration Place with Celebrate Recovery where we teach children how to express themselves and heal! So, I  ask you to join with me what do you see your gift in and how does God want you to use it?

1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Time To Travel & Time To Rest

There is a time to travel and a time to rest. Resting hasn't been my strong point. Yet, I am finding a sweet peace of being okay with the here & now. This one has been particularly hard because I know deep down that while I have four months that August will be here before I know it. It is hard to not worry what is next. Yet even moments like this remind me that no matter where I go that I am not promised the easy life. I will always crave something but craving God's will is the best thing I can ever desire. Trust me my mind still fights for this truth even now when things haven't been what I expected.
You would think by now it would get easier to transition as well handle changes but no my friend I still sit at the very edge of my seat.  Being here even in Louisville with my Love Thy Neighborhood team has taught me patiently press in even when your emotions uproar.  Trust me! I am the queen of emotions. However, Love Thy Neighborhood has shown me as well  that its important to bloom where your planted. If we are always on the go will miss the present. I don't honestly know what this details for me other then finding peace in Corbin in August till God takes me else where.
To live among the people in Corbin. Be present to the needs of my people.  I don't know how long or what that looks like. However, who can put a time to forever?  It is a daily choice to live where God has placed you! It's been a good perspective to even pray," God don't let me be complacent but let me follow you for the moment."
 There will be times you wish yet there is beauty if will open our eyes what God is doing! This doesn't mean don't chase your goals. It simply means to look around you because truly time is short. Today I just read this Old Chinese poem  that I think could speak volumes to our heart:

 Go to the people
Live among them
Learn from them
Love them
Start with what you know
Build on what they have:
But of the best leaders
when their task is done
The people will remark
" We have done it ourselves"

So if we want to make the most look at the people around you. Life will always seem like there is more but remember people are your greatest  adventure. Ask yourself, " How can I  rest & enjoy those who God has given to me?"

Monday, January 9, 2017

You Are A Living Temple

 1 Corinthians 6:19

Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves.

 We all know those people who say they need to make changes but the struggle is real! I  am one of those! Recently before New Years God started laying on my heart that change needs to come! I started this adventure thinking this is perfect I could do the Daniel Fast because it's a great way to push eating healthy. Yet, God had a bigger picture to teach me. It hasn't been so much the fasting part as it has been that I need to take care of my body. I am still trying to examine more what fasting really means but however I had a good reality check that I need to take care of me. After all 1 Cor. 6:19 tells us that our body is a temple!

Taking care of our temple physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally is super important! It's not easy an climb but we have to start some where! For me it has been day two since I started this change I desire. It's not to say that I can't have coffee or I can't enjoy icecream because if you know this girl then you know the battle is real! It's all about moderation! Taking in more healthy then the things are not so good for my body!

You may be even thinking how can I do this especially if you like sweets! Have no fear friends! A good friend of mind introduced me to rice cakes with natural peanut butter, berries or better yet bananas!

Or if your needing a little creativity try some salad with berries, your favorite veggies & alvacado  cilantro greek yogurt dressing!

I share these with you because I know that it can be hard knowing where to start. I know for me it has been. I even joined an accountability group called Breaking Free! It really helps not doing these things not alone! I think for those who want change as well we have to focus not so much on the cant's but what these changes are allowing for us! I know it's super easy to think, " Man....  I can't have ____________________"  You feel in the blank but if we look at these things simple as we may have more energy  then  we just might stand a little taller!
 Our relationship with God in how we take care of us shouldn't be just a check list! Another one of my goals is to seek the Lord more in prayer! I recently not only made a change to my diet but I created my own War Room. You may be like me thinking space is limited but no worries there is always a way! For me there isn't much space in my apartment, so I am using cardboard to write down the things I really want to see God move in!

My point is all this change is possible! Don't let your goals seem impossible! Do what it takes to be the best you! And simply be encouraged!