Monday, May 25, 2015

It's Ok To Ask

 As  a child growing up I remembering giving my heart to Jesus! It was so easy to trust Him with innocence but  as I became older the challenge of trust became harder. I don't doubt He loves me but there are some things I simply don't understand. Can you relate? I think many of us are afraid to say those words. I think we forget there is freedom and that nothing really shocks Him.

That is why there are  two articles I want to recommend for those us who need a little reminder its ok to not understand:

  • It's Ok To Talk About The Parts Of Jesus We Don't Understand  Click Here
  • How To Trust Jesus In A Unsafe World  Click Here
 I feel both of these articles hits home to what many of us are afraid to admit. For me the things I don't understand right now are:

  •  Why Jesus placed me as a waitress?
  •  Why people I love are going   through the circumstances with their health or situations that they are?
  •  Why are the directions so unclear for what is next?
  • Why a friend of mine has CML? Will there be healing? Will their family get  a break?
  • Why does having a car seem so long?
  • Why don't I feel 26? When will I feel like an adult?
I'm sure my list could go on but I'm sure we all have a list. In this world I think we forget how to have child like faith because this world is a tough place to live in. I'm not saying everything is bad because there is good! It's just sometimes you can begin to wonder why God allows certain events or bad things to happen.

I still believe it is for His glory but it doesn't erase the pain or emotions. I know my circumstances are minor but it doesn't mean I don't grow tired. Even the strong Christians have moments where they feel it takes extra strength to keep their eyes on the prize or extra strength to choose joy knowing God  has a good plan! I'm not trying to sound like the gripe queen but like I told a friend on the phone I just can't fake how I feel.

I know deep down inside Jesus can handle that! Some might say how can feel such things but  like I said the world is hard at times. No, I don' have all my answers to what God is doing but I press on. . Perhaps your like me and you just need to question. It doesn't make your faith any less. I think God allows us to question so that we can remember to keep looking forward.

I think He longs to have these talks with us even if its just the two of you on a walk expressing every emotion. At least that was my reminder today. He is definitely there when no one is and He will gladly walk with you and listen to your heart even if its just letting you walk it out.  It's ok for things to not feel pretty!  Here is a song I leave this song for us all because I think we need that reminder God still is in the mist!

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Out of My Weakness

Out of my weakness  you have  a plan. It really  isn't  my plan but like Jeremiah you promise to  not let anything  prevail  against  Him. In no way would I had any plans to be a waitress  but you did! Jermiahs  weakness was speaking. My weakness is:anxiety, the impatient  detective  and perfectionism. I see the mountain but you see more.
You had more than intellectual knowledge of Jeremiah. You had a personal  relationship  with him. It is the same with me! The plans you have for me were decided  beforehand and though  I do not see you tell me there is a plan.
You have called  me to have faith choosing  my best even when being a waitress  doesn't  add up. You do the impossible  and  my heart needs to remember! God there are so many like me! Pull us back  into you!

Verse 19 They will fight  against  you but they shall not prevail  against  you for I am  with you declare the Lord to deliver  you

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Is It Friday Yet?

 Is it Friday yet? How many of us have said this line when it's only Monday? I have! Although, a recent thought that is just now clicking is that Friday is no different than any other day of the week. We have some how programmed our brains that it is. We can get so caught up that we forget to appreciate what was given to us for the day!

That has been something that's been pressing on my mind because I have been forgetting to see my blessings how the Lord has been faithful in what may seem like the crazy to me.He has reminded me today that though I'm not using my  Human Service degree or nor do I know the direction I am using it in a sense. . I choose this because I love to help people. I am doing that but maybe not in the way I imagined I would.

I'm getting to be an ear to a customer or maybe a smile. And when I slow down to intake that I am able to see clear that nothing is really in vain even though I'm not sure where or what God is doing. All, I know is He is faithful to me even when I'm not struggling to understand what is going on. He is the one holding me even when my mind is going 50 miles per an hour trying to figure out what is next or am trying to be the problem solver. So, today I just stop to breath in the blessings of:

  • A Jones Soda
  • Peach Cobbler
  • A friend giving me a ride
  • That I have air in my lungs
What is it that you need to stop and see?  We all need to be reminded there is joy among the unknown and our circumstances. Maybe you need to slow down to do the same!