Sunday, May 17, 2015

Out of My Weakness

Out of my weakness  you have  a plan. It really  isn't  my plan but like Jeremiah you promise to  not let anything  prevail  against  Him. In no way would I had any plans to be a waitress  but you did! Jermiahs  weakness was speaking. My weakness is:anxiety, the impatient  detective  and perfectionism. I see the mountain but you see more.
You had more than intellectual knowledge of Jeremiah. You had a personal  relationship  with him. It is the same with me! The plans you have for me were decided  beforehand and though  I do not see you tell me there is a plan.
You have called  me to have faith choosing  my best even when being a waitress  doesn't  add up. You do the impossible  and  my heart needs to remember! God there are so many like me! Pull us back  into you!

Verse 19 They will fight  against  you but they shall not prevail  against  you for I am  with you declare the Lord to deliver  you

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