Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Is It Friday Yet?

 Is it Friday yet? How many of us have said this line when it's only Monday? I have! Although, a recent thought that is just now clicking is that Friday is no different than any other day of the week. We have some how programmed our brains that it is. We can get so caught up that we forget to appreciate what was given to us for the day!

That has been something that's been pressing on my mind because I have been forgetting to see my blessings how the Lord has been faithful in what may seem like the crazy to me.He has reminded me today that though I'm not using my  Human Service degree or nor do I know the direction I am using it in a sense. . I choose this because I love to help people. I am doing that but maybe not in the way I imagined I would.

I'm getting to be an ear to a customer or maybe a smile. And when I slow down to intake that I am able to see clear that nothing is really in vain even though I'm not sure where or what God is doing. All, I know is He is faithful to me even when I'm not struggling to understand what is going on. He is the one holding me even when my mind is going 50 miles per an hour trying to figure out what is next or am trying to be the problem solver. So, today I just stop to breath in the blessings of:

  • A Jones Soda
  • Peach Cobbler
  • A friend giving me a ride
  • That I have air in my lungs
What is it that you need to stop and see?  We all need to be reminded there is joy among the unknown and our circumstances. Maybe you need to slow down to do the same!

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