I would like to share this definition with you that was shared me today.
Poverty is the result of relationships that do not work, that are not just, that are not for life nor harmonious or enjoyable. Poverty is the absence of shalom in all its meanings.
What a profound way to look at poverty? What words you see missing? I really want us to think about it as a whole because to honest I never considered myself poor but in reality we have all been poor in some aspect. Especially when you think about our relationship with God. At one point if were truly going to accept God we must accept we are spiritually poor.
Matthew 5:3
Blessed are those who recognize they are spiritually helpless.
The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
I've heard this verse many times but reading it now I understand it better because the richest gift mankind could have is a relationship with God. This concept is important to accept if were not doing work on our souls we have very little to offer. It becomes difficult to help others unless acknowledge our need. There has to be a connection point some how because our help means nothing if we don't meet people where they are.
No matter the level were on we all want to have dignity. As Christ followers our help must go beyond identification. People don't need just a quick fix. We're called to go into the trenches! There is nothing wrong to help materially but take account the aftermath. For example: Don't just give someone groceries. Do an inventory of life with them. Teach them the things you know but most of all meet them where they are too!
Remember they are people too! Don't treat them as projects! Be willing to live with them. Treat them like you want to be treated! Show people your serious! That's something I want to end with above all! I don't know how many of you have seen the Second Chance movie but I do think it helps paint some of the picture. Here is a small clip!
I would encourage you to watch this movie because it reminds us don't just show up! Get to know the people! May this empower us to take heart of our surroundings.
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