Saturday, November 5, 2016

Passion & Calling

  Are passionate and calling the same or do they have different meanings? This is thought that provoked me as I thought about perhaps they are different. I  collected some other perspectives as well decided to define both words.

Passionate- Strong emotions ( Latin word Pati) means to suffer

Calling- A strong urge toward a particular way of life, career/vocation

At first I thought they were different but they in one way go hand in hand. Yet another part wonders, What if God calls you to something your not passionate about? That's what stumps me. If you have any insight I would be all ears!

Yet, I kept thinking of the verse James 1:27

 Pure, unstained religion according to God our Father is to take care of orphans, widows when they suffer and to remain uncorrupted  by this world

I understand we all have different gifts as well callings; however I think I thought of it as the Christian declaration. That we are called to needs of the world. Are we asking how God wants us to be active? For example I wouldn't consider myself to be called to work with  the elderly, teens or etc. Yet, for me how can I ignore the need if the Lord presents.

I think I have been thinking on this one a lot because I wouldn't of considered myself passionate about teaching but it was the call God gave me for  a year with a preschool in my hometown. I think for me I was passionate for the need because this was the call God put before for a season. At this point reflecting on my journey I feel I am at this point with palms up asking the Lord, "Where is it that you have called me?"

 I am really enjoying my internship at Scarlet Hope! I have many questions.  I admire the director & her story how she just showed up never having any training that I am aware of. I too wonder can I have this same obedience?  All in all I really thing there will be things we love. We may not feel we are called to go but in same way I believe as Christians were to be active in some capacity even if its just prayer. The needs are all around us. We can easily say I don't feel called but if scripture tells us to go to the orphans widows and etc; How can we not go or stop? Any thoughts are welcome :)   These words definitely have me thinking and I hope maybe this piece may challenge others as well! Thanks for letting me share!

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