Yes, its a child's book but I could relate and I am sure if you did you would as well. I come from the emotional side of sharing which sounds crazy because so often my face shows a lot. However, to verbally tell you how I am feeling is hard at times. At the same time depending who you might be. As much as I hate to own I am very good about being passive at times saying, " I am okay but truly not okay." Yet, its tricky because sometimes I do feel okay but I can't put my finger on the emotion if it is real.
I know all emotions are real. Yet, from someone who analyzes I take deep thoughts into if I really am that emotion. The hard part I have been learning is that it can hurt people. Sure there is no intentions to hurt any one yet its hard to control at times. Or for me any ways. My heart tends to shoot out of my face before the words flow. That one I am trying to think through. I know emotions are not bad. Yet, the balance of how we handle can be so hard at times.
For me its hard to say, " I am angry." or " This bothered me." There are two images I would like to share with you from the book.
I can relate to this little girl because I can remember being so curious light hearted with out a care in the world but when I became older realizing the world can be a hard place too I learned how to put my heart in the bottle. You would think that I would have this one down but it still in the works. This one especially when I enter new relationships. I often hide because I am afraid what I say will hurt someone. I hide because I imagine how it may go wrong. Can you relate? So yeah emotions are hard. Not only that if I could pass a special note to others who may come from a different perspective * Please have grace on me and others as well who do struggle with this one. This may sound very blunt but often when I maybe have had moments where my heart finally caught up to my brain I want to tell others, " Its not like I have a remote control on my heart that says I would like this emotion today." It just doesn't work that way! Or if I am wrong I am willing to hear.
I don't know why but for me at least for someone who struggles with dwelling its hard to say I feel blah blah at this time because as mentioned I often feel my brain & heart our on this race. My heart tends to think more for me then my brain. Yet for those who are logical I crave to be that way at times. So yes I too am learning to give myself grace! The second image reminds me of moments I have had this with my Celebrate Recovery Family.
You can interpret as you would like but this person in the picture represents many people for me in my CR family as well church. My CR family was one of the many first to help me realize I am not alone. I can share who I am. And there have been other people who have shown me this one too like my mentor Magan! So, as I thought about what I wanted to write next I thought yes this is my next piece! I don't always see myself as a profound speaker but writing has tend to be a way I could express myself. I hope as you read this that what you take away is your not alone.
At the same note there are two things or perhaps three things I would love to share.
*" Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable, and sometimes afraid but that doesn't change the truth I am also brave , worthy of love and belonging"- Brene Brown
* Try writing this verse with your name in the blank. It may encourage you as it did me:
Ephesians 1:4-5
Before the creation of the world He chose __________ to be Holy and perfect in His presence. Because of His love already decided to adopt __________ through Jesus Christ. He freely chose to do this
I leave you with this verse because so often I hate dealing with my imperfections. In fact I am the great one at cranking out the list of who I am not and if I had done or I should..... So for me owning my struggles is hard! I need the reminder that who I am in Christ is accepted! He loves me for me! The same message He gives to others about not having it all together goes to me too. Yeah... so this is me and where I am!
Thank you for letting me share and thanks to the ones who push me to my best!