Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Recover My Eye Sight

 It was just three months ago I left my internship in New York where I served with a church plant called Cornerstone.I have had to train my mind to come to reality to the present that I am home in Corbin. New York is nothing like Kentucky by any imagination. I can't just walk out of my apartment to walk some where as where in New York it wasn't foreign to walk places. That has been really hard on me. Its taken back some of my independence.  This one is hard to swallow as a twenty-five year old.
I'm not ungrateful to be around familiar places or people but I sure do miss my New York family. However, as I was reading Mark 10:46-52 the Lord has reminded me that  even though I am not physically blind that  I need to  come with the same faith as Bartimaeus who said to Jesus recover his eye sight. That is what I want Jesus to do for me.
I want to see Corbin with fresh eyes. For I know my ideas but lately I have been in a position where I have had to say Father I don't know what your trying to do. I can't balance all the quadrants around me.
Even hearing myself say that is hard because I am a planner. I like to have my ducks in order. I'm slowly learning to let go realizing I can't plan every step. I have to learn to just live. To also be ok to make a mess because as humans were going to fail. I have to let go of my perfectionism and remind myself the Lord is working on me which is why Philppians 3:12 has become one of my favorite verses:

 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me His own

So what is it that you need the Father to recover your eye sight to?

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