Saturday, January 10, 2015

Where Are You Jesus?

 If our human hearts were honest we would say we have all dared to ask this question, " Where are You Jesus?" at some point. It is not that we have forgot He is there but maybe we forget  who He is. In a passage I read today found in Mark 8:14-21, we find the disciples having a little doubt. Specifically in verses 18;-21:

 Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up? They said to Him,"Twelve." And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you  take up? And they said to Him, "Seven." And He said to them, " Do you not yet understand?"

 This passage really pin pointed some doubts in my heart. I had seen God provide very much when I was in New York but now that I am home looking for a job I feel my heart is very much in the ocean learning to trust God hasn't forgot! He is faithful! I think this is key because sometimes like the disciples we look at the impossible instead of concentrating on the possible.We need to look back at where God has been.

For me that is looking back at New York. To remember the housing He provided along with a second family where I was far away from home. Or to look back in the small ways God has been with me this week:

  • I found a check I had forgotten about when cleaning my room
  •  A friend has offered to pay me to help with some cleaning
  •  I was able to go to a interview this week because my friend was willing to help with transportation
  • I was able to to put in an application
  •  An opportunity to possibly serve on a retreat
I know my heart is still longing for answers to a job along with what God is doing but I have to remember to look back at where God has been. We need to put on our possible mindsets and not impossible.

Luke 1:37  For nothing will be impossible with God

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