I have had to shut my mouth saying to the Lord whatever it is I will give or do. This includes my finances with tithing. I would like to focus more there as I write this blog. I have never tithed before. I didn't start till the last term of November. I knew that it was important but not living it. However, I have made it my hearts cry to give whatever I can give to give! I can't let what little I have stop me! If I don't give now how will it be different if I have more?
So, I have taken the challenge to give whatever I can! I also felt a little frustrated in how do I apply what I did in NYC to my hometown. Where it was simple to go meet up with people which is what I love to do! However, I think I often complicate it! Even though the Dixie Cafe isn't my dream job I can be a light there!
I don't know your story but I know life is too short to focus on what you don't have. It can set you back into humility. I even think of a woman I knew in NYC who was struggling financially. She really didn't have much but her way of loving on me was giving a coupon for a frosty. We can all give even if it doesn't look extravagant!
Are you giving with what you have?
Luke 21:1-4The Message (MSG)
Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”
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